Manage company interior assets in efficient & sustainable way

With a digital platform, companies can manage office equipment, surplus furniture, and plan for relocation & reuse more effective.

Why use a digital management for fixed assets?


Reduce manual work and errors in office assets management with one intuitive app.


Ensure CSRD compliance by measuring environmental data while reusing assets.

Cost Savings

Streamline your work and plan your furniture removal strategy in advance.

Who should use Rebench Resourceful software?

Corporate Office Tenants

for the efficient management of workplalce equipment in office spaces.

Commercial Buildings Landlords

to manage interior assets inventories and to support their tenants.

Coworking & Flex Space Operators

for movable assets management across different office locations.

How does it works?

Quick Inventory

Access the app to inventory your equipment using QR codes. Upload documents and onboard coworkers.

Manage Assets

Manage your assets in administrator panel. Decide which items to relocate, reuse, donate or sell.

Resell & Reuse

Create offers on the resell platform. We will verify them, publish them and help you finish your orders.


Get full details of your equipment including depreciation, CO2 and waste reduction benchmarks.

Success Story

We implemented the Rebench Inventory App in The Shire's | Beyond Coworking new office to better and more efficiently manage the 1554 m2 of space with 218 workstations at Warsaw Spire.

We have created a digital database of equipment.

We tagged the furniture with QR codes.

We photographed the objects.

We assigned furniture to their digital twins.

What has the Client gained?

🖥️ Data on your equipment in one digital platform.

🪑 Quick and easy inventory process for the entire office.

🥷 Tool to streamline the work of the Office Manager.

🚚 Ability to relocate furniture efficiently.

Closed Marketplace for Landlords and Tenants

We understand the importance of community in your buildings and spaces.
That is why we enable them to create an exclusive marketplace for their tenants or their employees to exchange unwanted items.

B2B Marketplace

Marketplace for tenants to help companies resell furniture to each other.

Employee Marketplace

Organize employee resale that enables people to reserve items within our online platform.

Smart furniture equipment management is just the beginning

Join the circular world with our integrated platform, buy discounted premium furniture and monetise your items.

Discover offers on marketplaceDiscover offers
rebench resell marketplace

Ready to fundamentally change fixed asset management?

Schedule an app demo today and see the benefits it can bring to your organisation.

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